Webmaster, Handy Man

This is my primary service and it is really a catch-all for everything else I do. Many small businesses find themselves lumbered with a website that they may not be able to maintain, update or modify for a variety of reasons. This is when you need to use the services of a Webmaster. I will look after every aspect of your on-line activity and also provide instruction and guidance if required.

Please note that this work will require logins for FTP, your hosting companies Control Panel and if your site is on a CMS platform such as WordPress the ‘back end’ control panel login for that is also required.


Any and all forms of code editing and re-writing. This is required if significant changes need to be made to the appearance or behavior of your site. Coding expertise is also required for many aspects of the site that impact upon SEO, social share, embedding and integration of third party applications such as mail capture and php mail forms etc. Embedding content from social media also often requires coding know-how – especially if you have a ‘static’ html site.

Adding / Creating Content

If you need to add new content to your site such as images, video, audio and copy etc. Then a webmaster can help with this if you are unsure how to safely and effectively add the new content yourself. Again, this is a specialised and tricky procedure on a ‘flat’ website that will not have an intuitive ‘control panel’ as with CMS types. I have plenty of experience as an SEO copy writer and will be happy to assist with written updates and blogging activity if required. I can also provide photography and other visual content.

Hosting & DNS Management

Do you need to acquire and host new domains, move domains, redirect or ‘re-point’ domain names, manage sub-domains and file permissions, manage a switch over to https, set up or change emails on an existing domain? Maybe you need to have someone that can communicate in the ‘lingo’ with your hosting company and sort out problems. All of these activities plus more would be covered by the Hosting and DNS management aspect of my webmaster service.

SEO Maintenance

SEO maintenance involves a whole array of activities that will include setting up or modifying rich-content snippets and managing the way your site appears in Google or if shared on Facebook. SEO Management is also about keeping a site up-to-date and refreshed, making sure that sitemap files are up to date, setting up and maintaining the site profile in Google Search Console and working on the maintenance / acquisition of back-links.

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Set up in 2016 by Oliver Wood, Prestburyweb provides support in all aspects of web based media to business & organisations across the UK.


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